a collection of literature from poets, bards, songwriters, and skalds in the SCA

Take a Newbie to Pennsic

So I'd been there and done that, done all of the things
Fought heavy and fenced, dated ladies that sing
Put on chainmail, a coif, shot an arrow or two
And I reached that sad stage, wherein nothing was new.

It's a tourney, a clout shoot, a juggler, that's cool
It's a melee, it's a great court, it's a herald or two
It's a king, it's a queen, I've got 'em on speed dial
And it's really not new, hasn't been for awhile

Ah, where did the time go, seems just the last week
I was fighting and fencing, showing off my physique
But it's a tough row to hoe in the shield wall you know
And I fight more spear these days, 'cause they need me there, though

Then one day my knight said 'young man, you look bored
with your spear and your polearm and your mace and your sword
So I'll tell you what we'll do, in a few weeks from now
We'll go and crash Pennsic, and we'll get there somehow

And I said "eh, it's Pennsic, I've heard all the tales
It's just more of the same, so I think I'll just bail
And his face grew quite stern and he said with a smile
'I'm a knight, you're my squire, so let's go for awhile

'So just trust me,' he said, and we got in the car
And we drove for eight hours and dear god that was far
And at three in the AM we got there and got out
And my jaw dropped and I stood there and looked all about.

It's just an event, I started to say
and about three days later I finally lay
my head down and slept for a full hours three
And got back up and went out and ran 'round in glee

I can't tell you what I did, don't remember it all
But this was my first Pennsic, not abnormal at all
And so Sunday we drove all around that huge site
with a camcorder running, Braveheart soundtrack, my knight

telling stories of this group or that stack of shields
or the spears stacked so neatly that this warband wields
All the names, all the places, all the things that they do
And when he was finished, it was all like brand new

To me, of course, and I thanked the big guy
And I got a surprise at the tear in his eye
And I asked him what happened, and he said 'watching you
Being at your first Pennsic made it all just brand new.'

So I've been there before, and I'm just telling you
Take a newbie to Pennsic, and watch what they do
And by the time the war's over, just see if you too
See it all bright and shiny and sparkly and new.

Take a newbie to Pennsic, and watch what they do
Take a newbie to Pennsic, I'm just telling you
By the time the war's over, just see if you too
See it all bright and shiny and sparkly and new