a collection of literature from poets, bards, songwriters, and skalds in the SCA

A Belt Is What You Make It

Poem (Canso): 

it's just a piece of leather from a cowhide bought at Zack's
just a length of calfskin maybe, just some leather, that's the facts
or a length of cotton cord dyed black on a gi
or plain brown from JC Penney, three ninety five, says Miyagi

just a belt that you put on with your costume, 'scuse me, garb
'cause if you're just in costume then you're really just a farb
and if you're just a farb then that's what that belt is to you;
just a thing that fits your outfit, it just adds class to the view

Till you go to your next demo and the kids with eyes so bright
stare at everything you've got on and they ask if you're a knight
and you look at them and 'splain that your belt's red, a knight's is white
and you tell them you're a squire to a guy who IS a knight

And you tell them that, they look at you, you see it in their eyes
with the world the shape it's in it shouldn't come as a surprise
that they believe in something you took for granted for so long
you're a squire to a knight, the ones in story and of song

There are black belts in karate, there are red belts for a squire
yellow for a protege is proper garb attire
green for an apprentice is the color they get handed
but white is for a knight, and their waists are with it banded.

And clearly there are people who just strap the damn thing on
it's just a piece of costume, or at best a piece of garb.
So every time you put yours on remember what I say-
A belt is what you make it.
It's a symbol.