a collection of literature from poets, bards, songwriters, and skalds in the SCA

The Battle's End (First Drottkvaett Revised)

Poem (Canso): 
Wotan’s warriors struggle
Fight two foes, yet fight well
Tyr’s teeth strike down one foe
Aegir yet takes his toll.

Fresh-killed foes stare sightless
Finally they are struck down
Weary, wounded victors
Whisper in the dim dawn.

Go well, friends here fallen
Fate now speeds you elsewhere
Valhőll ope’s its halls wide
True warriors, ours lost here.

Sinking ship lies silent
Broken, battered, listing
Frightened, fearful of the
Frothy water waiting.

Morbid moaning wind blows
Mere rags ship’s sail now
Carmine pools shine sullen
Snapped spars once strong as yew.

Somewhere sun is shining
Wives come and loves to shore
Wait you days and nights long
Your men come home no more.